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PSRA License : 004307

Selling a buy to let property in Ireland

selling a buy to let property

Introduction to Buy to Let Property in Ireland

Are you thinking of selling your buy to let property in Ireland? It’s certainly a great idea. Why? Because it’s a booming business at this present time in Ireland, demand is sky high and supply is very limited. But before we dive into how to go about selling, let’s take a quick detour to understand what buy to let property really is.

In simple terms, a ‘buy to let’ property is one that is bought with the intention of renting it out to tenants, rather than living in it oneself. It’s a common investment strategy that can yield significant returns when executed right.

Understanding the Buy to Let Market

Current Market Status

The buy to let market in Ireland is currently vibrant and strong. With rising house prices and a healthy demand for rental properties, there’s plenty of opportunity for investors. However, selling such a property involves a different kind of dynamics, right? Well, we’ll get to that in a bit.

Forecasted Market Trends

The property market in Ireland is expected to continue its upward trend. But keep in mind, market trends are like a river; they constantly change and flow. Always keep an eye on these trends when planning to sell your property to maximize your profit.

Steps to Sell a Buy to Let Property

Preparing your Property for Sale

First impressions matter, don’t they? And the same goes for your property. Make sure it’s clean, well-maintained, and appealing to potential buyers. A fresh coat of paint, a well-kept garden, and clean windows can make a huge difference.

Determining the Property Value

The key to successful selling is setting the right price. Too high, and you scare away potential buyers. Too low, and you’re left with less profit than you could’ve made. Get your property valued by a professional to ensure you set a fair and competitive price.

Choosing a Real Estate Agent

Remember, not all heroes wear capes; some carry briefcases and help you sell your property! A knowledgeable real estate agent can guide you through the complex process of selling your property. Choose someone experienced, preferably with a track record in selling buy to let properties.

Legal Requirements for Selling

Selling a property isn’t just about finding a buyer and handing over the keys. There are legalities to follow. From property deeds to capital gains tax, it’s crucial to understand and fulfill these requirements.

Marketing your Property

Traditional Marketing Strategies

From newspaper ads to ‘for sale’ signs, traditional marketing strategies are still effective in attracting potential buyers. They can reach a wide audience and should not be overlooked.

Digital Marketing Strategies

Welcome to the digital age! Property listing websites, social media, and virtual tours can effectively market your property to the tech-savvy generation. A picture is worth a thousand words, and a virtual tour is worth even more.

Negotiating and Finalizing the Sale

Negotiating Offers

You’ve got an offer? Brilliant! But hold your horses. Don’t jump at the first offer you receive. Negotiate to get the best possible price. But remember, negotiation is an art. It requires patience and strategy.

Finalising the Sale

Once you’ve agreed on a price, it’s time to finalize the sale. Make sure you have a competent solicitor to handle the legal paperwork. Once the contracts are signed, congratulations! You’ve successfully sold your buy to let property in Ireland.


Selling a buy to let property in Ireland can be a lucrative venture if done right. It requires understanding the market, preparing the property, setting the right price, marketing it effectively, and finally negotiating and finalizing the sale. With the right guidance and strategy, you can make the most out of your property sale.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long does it take to sell a buy to let property in Ireland?

It can take anywhere between a few weeks to several months depending on the market condition and the desirability of your property.

2. Do I need to pay tax when selling a buy to let property?

Yes, you may be liable for Capital Gains Tax if you sell your property for more than you bought it for. Always consult with a tax advisor.

3. Can I sell a buy to let property with tenants still living in it?

Yes, it is possible. However, you must inform your tenants and abide by the terms of your lease agreement.

4. How can I maximise the sale price of my property?

By ensuring your property is well-maintained, setting a competitive price, effectively marketing the property, and negotiating skillfully, you can maximise your sale price.

5. How do I choose a real estate agent?

Look for an agent with experience, knowledge of the local market, and a track record in selling buy to let properties. Personal referrals can also be useful.

If you want to save money on your property sale or rental call Fumbally Property Services by clicking on the call button below or fill in our contact form here

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Richard Carter

Richard Carter

I have been in the property business all my life from development, investment, sales, lettings, property management to block management I began operating in the estate agency business in 2008.

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