PSRA License : 004307

PSRA License : 004307

Understanding the Building Energy Rating (BER)

BER building energy rating

In Ireland, all homes being sold must have a Building Energy Rating (BER). The BER assesses your home’s energy efficiency and can significantly influence a buyer’s decision.

If you’ve made energy-efficient upgrades like insulating the attic in your home or installing a new heating system in your property, your BER could be a great selling point.

Working with a Qualified Home Inspector

Choosing a qualified home inspector is key to ensuring a thorough and accurate home inspection.

In South County Meath, local inspectors understand the specific considerations associated with different types of properties found across the region.

This local knowledge can be crucial in providing an accurate and detailed inspection report.

Handling Unfavorable Inspection Reports

If your inspection report reveals significant issues with your property, it can be disheartening.

However, remember that it’s better to know these issues in advance than be surprised during negotiations.

Depending on the problems identified, you can decide whether to make repairs, disclose issues to potential buyers, or adjust your asking price.

Pre-Inspection: A Worthwhile Consideration

While not mandatory, a pre-inspection before listing your property can be a strategic move.

It helps you identify potential issues and fix them before a buyer’s inspection, increasing the chances of a smooth selling process.

It can be particularly beneficial in areas like Ashbourne or Ratoath, where the property market can be highly competitive.

Navigating the home inspection process may seem daunting, but it’s a crucial step in selling your home in South County Meath.

A well-managed inspection can bolster a buyer’s confidence, potentially expedite the selling process, and help achieve a price that reflects your property’s true worth.

When you’re ready to sell your property and need professional assistance with home inspections and the overall home selling process, reach out to Fumbally Property Services.

Our team is committed to providing you with excellent service and making your home-selling journey in South County Meath as seamless and successful as possible.

To contact the Fumbally team, you can call us directly by clicking the link below. And if you are considering selling your home you can also avail of our free valuation service by completing our online form here.

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Richard Carter

Richard Carter

I have been in the property business all my life from development, investment, sales, lettings, property management to block management I began operating in the estate agency business in 2008.

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