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Preparing Your Home For Sale in 2023 In The Irish Property Market

preparing your home for sale in 2023

Here Are The Top 25 Suggestions For Preparing Your home For Sale in 2023

Preparing your home for sale in 2023 on the Irish housing market can be a difficult undertaking, but with the appropriate planning and approach, it can go more smoothly. Here are the top 25 suggestions for preparing for and taking advantage of the current real estate market when selling your home in Ireland in 2023 and beyond.

1. When preparing your home for sale in 2023 establish a competitive price for your house

To establish a reasonable asking price for your house, research the market and consider similar properties.

When selling your house, it’s essential to set a fair price. Under-pricing could result in your home selling for less than it is worth, while overpricing might turn away potential buyers and cause it to linger on the market for too long.

Research the neighbourhood market and consider comparable properties that are like your property in terms of size, amenities, location, and condition in order to determine a reasonable asking price.

Think about your home’s age, recent improvements or renovations, and other elements that could affect its market worth. To help you choose the appropriate price, you can also enlist the assistance of a trustworthy real estate professional.

2. Work with a trustworthy real estate agent

A competent agent may provide insightful advice and guidance throughout the selling process. Choose a candidate who is knowledgeable about the local housing market.

A reliable real estate agent can make all the difference when preparing your home for sale in 2023, which can be a difficult and stressful process. A competent estate agent can provide helpful advice on setting the right price for your house, getting it ready for the market, and negotiating with purchasers.

Also, they may help you grasp the competition and the local market. It’s crucial to choose an agent with experience in your neighbourhood and a proven track record of success. Make the effort to thoroughly investigate potential candidates before selecting one to represent your interests.

real estate agent

3. Increase curb appeal

Make a good first impression by painting, landscaping, and maintaining the driveway and footpaths on the outside of your home.

An excellent method to draw in potential buyers and raise the value of your home is to improve the kerb appeal of your property. A quick and inexpensive approach to give your home a facelift and make it stand out is to paint the exterior of your building.

To make your home more striking, think about using a colour that contrasts with but complements the outside colour you currently have. The kerb appeal of your home can also be significantly improved by thoughtful landscaping.

You may give your yard a welcoming and well-kept appearance by maintaining your lawn and garden. This can involve giving your grass a weed-and-feed treatment, planting seasonal flowers, or enhancing garden beds with beautiful mulch or pebbles.

It’s also essential to maintain the driveway and pathways by filling in any cracks or potholes to give prospective purchasers a good first impression.

4. Clean and organise your space to make it appear as open and well-kept as possible.

To make it easier for potential purchasers to visualise themselves living there, remove all personal items and clutter.

When selling your property, think about adding some greenery in addition to decluttering. The addition of plants may make an area feel cosy and inviting and can aid prospective buyers in visualising themselves residing there.

Furthermore, it is essential to think about making minor upgrades or improvements to improve the kerb appeal of your property because studies have shown that certain characteristics, such as shaker cabinets and barn doors, help homes sell more quickly and for more money than anticipated.

Prior to closing, don’t forget to declare in writing any known flaws or problems that could jeopardise the home’s worth or safety.

5. Neutralise the colour scheme on the walls

This will enable potential purchasers to envision living there.

To make it easier for prospective purchasers to see themselves residing in the area, the colour palette on the walls should be neutralised. Beige, ivory, taupe, grey, and various hues of white are soothing and tranquil neutral colours that work well for this purpose.

It’s crucial to be aware of these undertones when selecting paint or matching colours for these hues because they frequently have them. It gives potential buyers a blank slate to see their design and furnishings in the space by painting the walls in neutral hues.

Also, this method might provide the impression that the space is larger and provides more freedom for future design decisions.

6. Stage your house

Your home’s best features can be highlighted and made to feel friendly to potential buyers by using a professional stager.

A quicker sale can result from staging your home to assist potential buyers get a favourable opinion of it.

Experienced stagers can provide guidance on how to draw attention to your home’s best characteristics and create a welcoming environment for potential buyers.

stage your home for sale

7. Carry out required repairs

Fix any glaring or significant issues in your home, such as leaky taps or broken appliances.

Doing necessary repairs is a crucial part of keeping a house secure and effective. This includes fixing any major or evident issues, such as leaky taps or broken appliances.

When choosing contractors for repair work, it’s crucial to take quality, durability, and competitive bids into account. Before a loan closes, borrowers might also need to make any necessary repairs to the property.

Homeowners may make sure their property is well-maintained and appealing to potential purchasers by taking care of necessary repairs in a timely manner.

8. Improve interior lighting

To make your home appear brighter, add lighting fixtures, open your curtains, and clean your windows. A home with enough lighting will look roomier and more welcome.

There are several ways to make your home appear brighter and more inviting in order to increase lighting. By adding lighting fixtures, you may significantly improve the lighting in your home by illuminating dark spaces like corners and corridors. Consider opening your curtains or blinds and cleaning your windows to let more sunlight in.

Natural light may help brighten your home. A cosy mood and a sense of space can be created by using dimmers or bulbs to vary the intensity of artificial light. In addition to making a house appear bigger, good lighting may also make it feel cosy and welcoming to potential buyers.

9. Improve the scent of your home

Cleaning your carpets, upholstered furniture, and curtains will improve the scent of your home by getting rid of unpleasant odours. You can use air fresheners or candles to create a pleasant aroma.

You can also experiment with natural techniques to produce a lovely perfume to further enhance the smell of your home. An aromatic perfume can be produced, for instance, by heating a pot of water with lemon, rosemary, and vanilla.

You can stew chopped apples, oranges, cranberries, and cinnamon sticks in a saucepan of water to create a cosy fall scent. A pleasant aroma can also be produced by adding a few drops of essential oil to a spray bottle filled with water or a saucepan of boiling water.

In order to get rid of lingering food odours, you can also soak a slice of bread in vinegar and place it overnight in a wastebasket or lunchbox.

10. Take good pictures for the online and offline promotion of your home

Your ability to attract online customers can be dramatically impacted by good photos. Hire a professional photographer or use a good camera.

An important aspect of online property marketing is taking quality photos. High-quality photographs have the power to draw in new clients and build your audience’s trust.

Adobe suggests studying your equipment, shooting plenty of images, finding the correct lighting, experimenting with composition, trying out various styles, concentrating on your artistic vision, and experimenting with presets as some suggestions for creating better photos.

Images can also have a powerful emotional influence on viewers and are assimilated more quickly than written material. Hence, employing high-quality photographs can have a big impact on how successful you are at attracting online viewers.

11. Make use of social media to improve audience exposure.

Advertise your home on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to reach a wider audience.

Using social media to sell your house can help you reach more people. Most adults use social media sites, according to a Pew Research Center research.

Make a content calendar with timely updates about your house and publish it on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to boost your social media engagement.

Use compelling calls to action (CTAs) that are based on the priorities of your audience to promote page views and increase landing page traffic.

12. Keep your home spotless and organised before each showing to prepare for them

De-clutter the space and remove any personal items to help potential buyers envision living there.

It’s important to make a great first impression on potential buyers when getting ready to sell your house. This can be attained with the aid of a tidy and organised home.

Make sure your home is clutter-free and immaculate before each showing. Take away sentimental items like family photos so potential purchasers can see themselves residing there.

It’s also crucial to plan the timing of your sale, choose a fair asking price, expertly display your house, and market your listing to the appropriate demographic. If you’re thinking about adding on to your house to improve it’s worth, be sure to abide by the planning and building regulations.

Last but not least, having equity in your property can help you financially if you decide to sell.

13. Make it simple for showings to take place

Make it easier for potential buyers and their agents to visit your home by providing a lockbox or setting up flexible viewing times.

Making it simple for potential buyers and their agents to view your house will boost the likelihood of receiving bids shortly after listing your home for sale.

Offering a lockbox or setting up flexible viewing times are two ways to achieve this. This will make it convenient for potential buyers and their representatives to view your home whenever it suits them.

Cleaning and tidying your property before showings can also boost the possibility of obtaining offers. Providing virtual tours of your property is another choice to think about, since it is a safer and more practical way for potential buyers to examine your home.

14. Use pricing psychology

Consider setting your home’s price slightly below the century mark to draw in more purchasers. Set your home’s price, for instance, at €399,000 rather than €400,000.

When selling your house, using pricing psychology can be a good technique. Setting the price slightly below the century mark is one strategy.

Setting your home’s price to €399,000 rather than €400,000, for instance, can give the impression that it is less expensive and draw in more purchasers. Psychological pricing is a method of pricing that is frequently applied in marketing.

According to research, presenting prices in a particular way might influence a customer’s subconscious reaction and influence them to make a buy. It’s crucial to remember that customers must want the property at that price, and the product quality and image must support the price.

Premium brands employ this pricing technique to persuade consumers to choose the more expensive item.

house pricing strategy

15. When preparing to sell your home, use computerised valuation models

You can get a general idea of its value from these online resources. Always keep in mind that they are just a starting point and may not be totally accurate.

While getting ready to sell your house, using computerised valuation models can be a helpful resource. Your home’s value can be roughly estimated using these online services.

It’s important to keep in mind, though, that these models are just a place to start and might not be totally accurate. You can have a better idea of your home’s value and assist in setting a competitive price by conducting market research in your neighbourhood and consulting with a real estate agent.

The time it takes to sell a house will vary based on the local real estate market and your price range, but it often takes up to two months. While getting ready to sell your home, it’s advised to start investigating your neighbourhood market and establishing a rough price range around two months before advertising your house.

You may plan ahead and quickly sell your house for the best price by working with a real estate agent.

16. Take into account the timing

Depending on when the market changes, the cost of your home can alter. Consult a local real estate expert to determine when to sell based on market conditions.

Timing and market conditions should be taken into account when getting ready to sell your house. Depending on the situation of the real estate market at the time, the price of your home may alter.

It is advised to consult a local real estate expert who can provide you insight into current market circumstances and assist you in developing a strategy to sell your house at the best possible time. It’s crucial to consider contextual factors when selling your house because timing can have a big impact.


17. Be open to price negotiations

The majority of buyers will want to negotiate, so be prepared to be flexible and open to suggestions. Working with your real estate agent will be necessary to develop a negotiation strategy.

It’s crucial to be flexible with price when selling your house. The majority of purchasers will want to negotiate a price, so it’s critical to be flexible and open to suggestions.

Working with your real estate agent will be necessary to develop a negotiation strategy. It’s crucial to evaluate your best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA), your target, and your reserve price before entering into negotiations since these three factors will determine whether you choose to accept a deal or pursue your BATNA.

Estimate your counterpart’s BATNA, objective, and reservation price as well. In routine talks with minimal stakes, reactive methods to negotiation strategy are frequently sufficient. But, as the other side makes adjustments, good negotiators can switch from one technique to another.

It’s critical to note that both buyers and sellers confront the challenge of losing the sale during price discussions and to determine the BATNA for each side. You may develop a successful negotiating strategy and manage the difficulties of real estate negotiations by working with a real estate agent.

18. Take the competition into account

Observe other comparable homes that are for sale in your neighbourhood, and adjust your pricing as necessary.

It’s crucial to consider competition while selling your house. You can aid yourself by keeping track of other comparable homes that are for sale in your neighbourhood so that you can change your price strategy as necessary.

You may optimise your chances of selling your house quickly by considering competition, keeping up with market trends, and keeping track of comparable listings.

property valuation

19. Get a professional valuation from a reputable estate agent

Consider hiring a professional property valuer to determine your home’s market value. This could help you price your home competitively and draw in potential buyers.

Obtaining a professional valuation can be a helpful tool for determining the market value of your home when you are selling it.

A PSRA qualified real estate professional will often perform a valuation, and they will assess your home’s features, location, and condition to establish its value. You may then utilise this information to price your home competitively and draw in potential buyers.

The difference between a professional valuation and an estimate—which is a computer-generated assessment of a home’s value based on available data—must be made clear. A professional appraisal offers a more thorough and accurate evaluation of a home’s value by accounting for variables that a computer algorithm might not be able to detect.

Also, it’s crucial to engage with a respectable real estate agent who is familiar with the neighbourhood market and has experience determining the value of houses there. You may increase your chances of selling your house for its true market value by getting a professional valuation and working with a licenced estate agent to set a competitive price for it.

20. Be realistic about the asking price for your home

Maintain a fair asking price for your house and base it on comparable surrounding properties and current market conditions.

Setting a fair asking price is crucial when selling a house. Taking into account surrounding comparable properties and market conditions is one approach to do this.

You can check on recent sale prices of houses in your locality by checking out the residential property register. Also, a home’s location might affect its value since characteristics like being in a neighbourhood that is walkable can be significant to purchasers.

Pricing a home at market value, or its current market value, can also be a successful method when choosing an asking price. A successful sale of the home can be ensured by being reasonable and amenable to bargaining.

21. Be willing to make adjustments to the asking price for your home

Be prepared to adjust your asking price or marketing strategy if your house isn’t selling. Along with your real estate agent, you should decide on the best course of action.

A home may not be selling for a number of reasons, including a lack of interest, subpar advertising, or an unreasonable asking price.

Homeowners should be prepared to make changes to their price and marketing plans in order to maximise the likelihood of a sale. This could entail making updates or modifications to the actual property as well as altering the asking price or advertising strategy.

Any changes must be based on the neighbourhood real estate market and comparable houses. To assess the situation and choose the best line of action, homeowners might speak with a real estate agent.

22. Take into account incentives

Offering incentives to potential buyers, such as paying closing costs or offering a home warranty, can make your house more appealing to them.

There are many incentives that homeowners might think about providing to increase the appeal of their properties to potential purchasers.

The payment of some or all closing fees, the provision of a house warranty, the provision of a decorating allowance, or the inclusion of appliances with the purchase are a few examples of such incentives.

These benefits may help the house stand out in a crowded market and persuade potential buyers to pick it over other properties.

By presenting incentives, you may be able to increase the asking price for your house because buyers may be more prepared to pay more for more perks. Working with your real estate agent to choose the most relevant and cost-effective incentives to provide is essential.

23. Be open and honest about any problems with the house, such as the need for repairs or improvements

This can assist prevent unpleasant shocks during the selling process.

It’s crucial to disclose any issues or required repairs when selling a house in order to protect the buyer from unwanted surprises.

Not disclosing known problems with the property could result in future legal challenges, which could harm your reputation. In addition to being upfront and honest about any issues with the home, sellers can think about making upgrades or repairs to improve the property’s appeal.

24. Take into account a pre-listing inspection.

Before the house is put on the market, a pre-listing inspection will help you find any issues with it and give you the time to fix any issues.

Before putting a house on the market, a pre-listing inspection of some kind is carried out. This inspection is advantageous to the seller since it can reveal any issues with the house before it is up for sale, giving the seller the opportunity to make any required repairs.

By doing this, the seller may reduce stress, sell the house more quickly for more money, and eliminate any surprises that can arise throughout the selling process.

A pre-listing inspection can also boost the confidence of potential purchasers in the property and minimise difficulties that can arise after the sale. Pre-listing inspections might be expensive for the seller, but they can also reveal important details about the state of the house, facilitating a faster and more profitable sale.

25. Speak with a local estate agent

During the selling process, a local estate agent might provide insightful advice. They can also help you determine the best pricing strategy for your house.

Chatting with a local real estate agent can be quite helpful because they have significant knowledge of the neighbourhood’s home values and selling patterns.

Also, they may help you decide on the ideal pricing approach for your residence, such as competitive pricing or setting a higher price depending on special features or renovations. Also, a real estate agent can advise you on staging your house and negotiate on your behalf with possible buyers.

It’s crucial to pick an agent with a solid reputation, experience, and local market expertise. To make sure that you and the agent are on the same page and comprehend the selling process, it is advised that you have a fruitful, in-depth discussion during your initial appointment.

Final thoughts on preparing your home for sale in 2023

We can all agree and draw the conclusion that selling a house can be a complicated and difficult process based on the data we have presented above.

But, homeowners will succeed in selling their house with the appropriate strategy and support. Contact our experienced estate agent team at Fumbally Property Services in Dunshaughlin, if you are considering selling your home in Dunshaughlin, Ratoath, Dunboyne, or Ashbourne in County Meath.

We can help you with every stage of the selling process, from pricing your property correctly to locating the ideal buyer, thanks to our experience and knowledge of the local real estate market.

You can contact us by filling out the contact form on our contact us page, or you can call us directly on our phone number listed on this website. You can be confident that we will provide you with the very best advice on selling your home, contact us today.

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Richard Carter

Richard Carter

I have been in the property business all my life from development, investment, sales, lettings, property management to block management I began operating in the estate agency business in 2008.

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